owncloud – Cache Static Assets (CSS/Javascript)

To whom it might be useful,

I recently set up an owncloud instance for private use and found that the load time was abysmal. Showing the default “Files” page spends ~21 seconds for ~140 HTTP requests1, even though my HTTP setup is already quite pimped (with SPDY and all). What is worse: The time does not reduce on subsequent visits. No cache-control headers are sent and all the Javascript and CSS resources are requested again. There is ETag and If-None-Match in place, so most of the requests just yield a 304 Not Modified response, but they still block the loading process. Which is even less understandable if you look at the requests: All Javascript and CSS resources are using a “?v=md5($owncloud_version)” cache buster, so they would be fully cacheable with no ill effects.

For a standard owncloud installation in /var/www with Apache: Open your /var/www/owncloud/.htaccess in a text editor and append the following lines (Update 2014-10-09 18:35 UTC: Add missing \ before .)

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
<FilesMatch "\.(css|js)$">
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2592000, public"

then in a shell make sure that the headers module is enabled in Apache:

sudo a2enmod headers

and restart Apache as prompted by a2enmod.

The next time you load the owncloud web interface your browser will be told to cache the Javascript and CSS resources for 30 days, and the time after that it won’t request them again. The “Files” app load time dropped from 21 to 6 seconds for me – with 16 instead of ~140 requests.  That’s almost reasonable!

  1. In Firefox: Press Ctrl-Shift‑Q to bring up the Network web developer tool to watch the drama unfold in its entirety. 

DJB’s tinydns and DNSSEC

While upgrading my server infrastructure I noticed that I really should be providing IPv6 not only for the services (like this HTTP/HTTPS site) but also for the DNS itself, and also at some point might want to enable DNSSEC for my domain to join in the fight with DANE against the mafia that is the global X.509 certification authority infrastructure.

My DNS servers have been powered by DJB’s most excellent djbdns package1 since I first started hosting theses services myself. The software package truly is fire and forget: You set it up once and it will continue working, with no maintenance or pesky software upgrades, year after year. That’s one thing Dan’s software is famous for.

The other thing everyone knows about his software is that if you want to add features, you’ll have to apply third-party patches. A well-known patch set for IPv6 in tinydns is available from my friend Fefe, and is also included in Debian-based distributions in a package called dbndns. Peter Conrad wrote DNSSEC support for tinydns (explicitly basing on Fefe’s IPv6 patches).

When trying to set that up, I quickly became frustrated: Applying several patches from several distinct locations one after the other doesn’t seem like the way software should be distributed in 2014. Also, Peter’s code has a few easily patched problems.

So I’ve set up github.com/henryk/tinydnssec/tree/dnssec‑1.05-test27-8ubuntu1-tinydnssec_1.3. Each commit is either the import of a tarball, application of a patch or a fix from me. I have signed the tag with my GPG key. You can easily use the github provided download link dnssec‑1.05-test27-8ubuntu1-tinydnssec_1.3.zip.

The steps I took, in order:

  1. Import djbdns‑1.05.tar.gz. No signature check was made since no signed version is available, but I checked that I was using the same package as Ubuntu/Debian.
  2. Apply djbdns‑1.05-test27.diff.bz2. I checked Fefe’s signature and verified his key’s fingerprint using a separate channel.
  3. Apply 0003-djbdns-misformats-some-long-response-packets-patch‑a.diff from the Ubuntu package.
  4. Apply 0004-dnscache.c‑allow-a-maximum-of-20-concurrent-outgoing.diff from the Ubuntu package.
  5. Apply djbdns-ipv6-make.patch. No signature check was done, but the patch is trivial.
  6. Import tinydnssec‑1.05–1.3.tar.bz2. I checked Peter’s signature and verified his key through the web of trust.
  7. Apply djbdns‑1.05-dnssec.patch from the aforementioned package.
  8. Small fixup for conf-cc and conf-ld: Do not use diet for compilation or linking (was introduced with Fefe’s patch).
  9. Small fixup for tinydns-sign.pl: Use Digest::SHA instead of Digest::SHA1.
  10. Small fixup for run-tests.sh: GNU tail does not understand the +n syntax.
  11. Small fixup for run-tests.sh: Need bash, say so (not all /bin/sh are bash).

The resulting source builds fine, and the tests mostly run fine. Tests 1 and 7 each fail in 50% of cases due to the randomized record ordering in the tinydns output which is not accounted for in the test code.

djbdns is in the public domain, tinydnssec is published under GPL‑3, which means that the combined source also falls under GPL‑3.

  1. The software package is ‘djbdns’, among the servers in it are ‘tinydns’ to host an authoritative UDP DNS server and ‘axfrdns’ to host a TCP DNS server